Weizenbaum meets Nicolas Suzor

Am Dienstag den 26. November kommt Nicolas Suzor ans Weizenbaum-Institut und hält einen Vortrag über „A new social contract for the digital age – the responsibilities of platforms“. Suzor, der an der Queensland University of Technology zu Recht und Digitalen Medien forscht, hat im Sommer sein Buch Lawless veröffentlicht. Darin blickt er auf die aktuellen Probleme des Internets – Missbrauch, Hate Speech, Zensur, Desinformation etc. – und votiert dafür, dem eine positive Version des Internets entgegenzusetzten, in der Menschenrechte gestärkt werden. Um dies zu erreichen muss die „lawless rule of tech“ eingeschränkt werden, wie Nicolas in seinem Vortrag am 26.11 um 13 Uhr am Weizenbaum Institut (Raum C102) darlegen wird.


Rampant abuse, hate speech, censorship, bias, and disinformation – our Internet has problems. It is governed by technology companies – search engines, social media platforms, content hosts, and infrastructure providers – whose rules influence what we are allowed to see and say. These companies govern our digital environment, but they are also subject to pressure from governments and other powerful actors to censor and control the flow of information online. As governments around the world grapple with how to regulate digital media platforms, it’s clear that big changes are coming. We are now at a constitutional moment – an opportunity to rethink the basic rules of how the Internet is governed. Can we build a vibrant, diverse, and flourishing internet that can promote fundamental human rights? Nicolas Suzor argues that, if we care about the future of our shared social spaces, we need a new constitutionalism: real limits on how power is exercised online.